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First Love Midwifery offers comprehensive Home Birth Midwifery Care that includes prenatal, birth, & postpartum care.  We provide evidence-based care, offering shared decision making, & informed consent and refusal. In addition to standard maternity care, we will spend time discussing physical & emotional needs, as well as the well-being of you & your baby. To keep you ‘low risk’, we focus on nutrition, lifestyle, optimal fetal position, as well as recommendations & referrals for additional support & alternative medicine throughout pregnancy & post-partum.  First Love Midwifery's Complete Home Birth Midwifery Care includes

  • 1-hr in home visits 

  • Routine prenatal visits 

  • Multiple post-partum visits for mom & baby

  • Standard prenatal blood work

  • Birthing tub rental

  • Birth Assistant/2nd Midwife for the birth 

  • Post-partum breastfeeding support 


We come to you for all our hour-long prenatal visits.  Our visits are scheduled monthly until 28 weeks, every 2 weeks until 36 weeks, then weekly until birth.  We bring all the necessary equipment to check vitals and listen to your baby.  We discuss all things pregnancy & birth and strongly encourage all the questions! Partners, kids (humans & pets) & other family members are always welcome to join. 


Laboring & giving birth in the comfort of your own home gives you the freedom to birth the way you want on your own time. We monitor you & baby intermittently and offer additional tools if needed. As long as you & baby are otherwise healthy and medically able to stay home, we let labor/birth unfold naturally.  After baby is born we stay on average 3-5hours; we evaluate and monitor you & baby,  we clean up, feed you, & tuck you into bed. 



Water birth is an option for all our home birth clients.  There are so many benefits to laboring & birthing your baby in water, including relaxation, pain relief, minimize perineal tearing, & and gentle transition for your baby from water into water.  Learn more about the benefits & current data on water birth.  Birth tub rental is included in our care. 


Postpartum care is just as vital as your prenatal care.  We see you & baby several times after birth (24-hours, 3-5 days, 1 week, 2 week, 4 weeks, 6-8 weeks post part).  Midwives are also able to care for Normal Newborns up to 6 weeks, however we strongly encourage you to establish care with a Pediatrician.  We continue to evaluate mom & baby to ensure everyone healing, thriving, and transitioning well.



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